Links 11/14/16

Links for you. Science:

Congratulations, America! You’ve just elected a conspiracy-mongering scientific ignoramus as President!
“Donald Trump’s presidential election win stuns scientists”
What will President Trump mean for science?
What does Donald Trump’s win mean for science and medicine?
Scientists’ Top Concerns in Trump’s America


Dear Sister and Brother Progressives: (must-read)
What So Many People Don’t Get About the U.S. Working Class (must-read)
If the White Working Class Is the Problem, What’s the Solution? (ditto)
Clinton lost ground in counties that high unemployment relative to the state *in 1990* (most ideas take a long time to percolate through)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: What it means to be black during a Trump administration
I Am Gay. I Will Not Be Tortured Again.
This Hedge Fund Billionaire Is The Biggest Winner In Donald Trump’s Victory
The idea that America ‘doesn’t talk about’ racism is absurd
An abortion doctor on Trump’s win: ‘I fear for my life. I fear for my patients.’
Trump win stuns federal employee leaders worried about his policies
Don’t Overlearn
This Story Should Dominate the News Until Trump Is Sworn In
Donald Trump Ran on Protecting Social Security But Transition Team Includes Privatizers

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1 Response to Links 11/14/16

  1. Chris G says:

    Re Trump and science:

    1) How is anyone particularly surprised that Trump won? Deeply disappointed? Sure. Horrified for our future? You bet. Surprised? No. We’ve been headed this way for a long time. His election is the culmination of decades of relentless right-wing barbarism – and assisted by the Democratic establishment whistling past the graveyard for the duration.

    2) On the question of “Which comes first? ‘Idiocracy’ or ‘The Road’?” Apparently Idiocracy wins.

    3) American science and engineering didn’t rise to the top in the mid-20th century all on its own. In particular, immigrants from Europe ca. WWII and from east and south Asia in more recent decades have been central to our success in STEM fields. Without that influx of talent we’d be second- or third-rate. Enterprising nations might do well to follow that model in reverse – poach US scientists who find their position here untenable. Don’t know which nations those might be though… They’d need to have offer some semblance of liberal democracy to be appealing I think. They’d also need to be willing and able to make additional investments in scientific infrastructure. European nations aren’t in the best spot so I’m thinking probably not them. Canada, Australia, New Zealand? Maybe. China, India, and Pakistan? I imagine authoritarian politics would be a turn off – same with South American countries. If I were running Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, or anther country in that neck of the woods I’d be whiteboarding poaching strategies though.

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