Links 5/23/24

Links for you. Science:

NIH study shows chronic wasting disease unlikely to move from animals to people
Wiley’s ‘fake science’ scandal is just the latest chapter in a broader crisis of trust universities must address
Does COVID-19 Persist?
Move over, wastewater. Store-bought milk could be another way to track the bird flu outbreak in cows
The origin of the cockroach: how a notorious pest conquered the world
A Second Dairy Worker Has Contracted Bird Flu, C.D.C. Reports. The new case, in a Michigan farmworker, did not suggest that bird flu was widespread in people, health officials said, adding that the risk to the general public remained low.


Trump’s Contraception Flipflop and Early Stage Alzheimer’s (my take here)
Bibi Is Choosing Stefanik and Trump. President Biden, Don’t Be Fooled. (gift link)
H5N1 doesn’t have to be a repeat of Covid-19’s ‘public health versus the economy’
On Campus, a New Social Litmus Test: Zionist or Not? Some Jewish students say they’ve been dropped by old roommates and sorority sisters and ostracized from campus clubs and teams because of their views — which are sometimes assumed. (gift link)
Trump’s deportation army: The former president’s vow to deport 15 million people is the cruelest, most illiberal, most openly authoritarian campaign promise in modern U.S. history. Oh, and it would also destroy the economy.
CDC asks states and cities to keep flu surveillance at peak levels because of bird flu threat
Frank Rizzo: The First Trump
The Republican Party’s man inside the Supreme Court: Justice Samuel Alito brings no vision and no unique insights to his job — other than unrelenting loyalty to the GOP.
Why did it take a humiliating video for us to believe Cassie’s claims about Diddy?
Trump’s attorneys found classified docs in his bedroom months after raid
Glenn Youngkin Vetoes Bill Protecting Birth Control, Suggests Law Isn’t Necessary. Virginia’s GOP governor claimed that he supports contraception access and said there’s “no question” that birth control use is protected by the Constitution. But so was abortion once upon a time…
From Texas to Massachusetts. On the border in a fascist America
Scared about America losing democracy? Texas is already gone
Enough Already: It’s Time to Reform the Supreme Court. Ethics outrages and partisan hardball are not what the Founders had in mind.
Behold the Delights the Trump Justice Department and FBI Would Hold
Trump’s courthouse clown show can’t hide it: There’s barely any MAGA support in the streets
Occupation Has Corrupted the Humanity of Israel’s Military (gift link)
I’m a Tenured College Professor. I’m Quitting. Here’s Why.
Decentralized Systems Will Be Necessary To Stop Google From Putting The Web Into Managed Decline
Sam Altman Ignoring Scarlett Johansson’s Lack of Consent Shows Us Exactly What Type of Person He Really Is
Dozens Of Pro Bono Attorneys Back Biden’s Beleaguered Court Pick Adeel Mangi
HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS
&udm=14 (not a typo!)
A Federal Judge Delivers Another Urgent, Scathing Warning About the Supreme Court
Hell Is an Underwater Landlord
How to find hidden cameras in an Airbnb, according to a professional

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1 Response to Links 5/23/24

  1. Chloe says:

    Oh give me a break, the professor is quitting because they have enough money to buy a whole bitcoin on their proceeds as an influencer pushing fatalism, pro-russia nonsense, anti-vax, and pseudoscience remedies, but they tell people they’re oh so special and smarter than other people so it’s irresistible. (Influencers know the secrets to sales!)

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