Links 5/24/24

Links for you. Science:

This hurricane season could be among the worst in decades, NOAA warns
Alaskan rivers turning orange due to climate change, study finds
This ‘doomsday’ glacier is more vulnerable than scientists once thought
4 ways vaccine skeptics mislead you on measles and more
How cockroaches came to rule the world
Michigan reports H5 avian flu in dairy farm worker


Why You Should Care About the Trump Trial: Any other politician in American history would be ruined by this story. Trump should be.
Pro-Palestinian college protests have not won hearts and minds
Israeli soldiers and police tipping off groups that attack Gaza aid trucks
Your total tax burden would probably go up under Trump. Yes, up. Think a second Trump term would be better for your finances? Think again. (this depends on how one approaches tariffs)
Is It Any Wonder The Monkey’s Confused
I’m pro-choice, pregnant and moving to a state with an abortion ban
But Does It Have Electyrolytes?
A hidden threat: Fast-rising seas could swamp septic systems in parts of the South
FCC Chair Unveils Proposal To Require Disclosure Of AI-Content In Political Ads
Americans are split: Biden is doing too much for Israel … or too little
Tom Rothman Fetes Columbia Pictures Centennial, Talks Quentin Tarantino, Streaming & How To Bring Young Audiences Back To Movie Theaters
In a place with a history of hate, an unlikely fight against GOP extremism
Trump vows to “NEVER” take away birth control — except he spent four years doing just that
Too hard to stomach? Fairfax County chews on a ‘meals tax’ for dining out
Hacker Breaches Scam Call Center, Warns Victims They’ve Been Scammed
DeSantis’s ‘Freedom Summer’ means no rainbow lights for Florida bridges (gift link)
How finfluencers destroyed the housing and lives of thousands of people
Electors who tried to reverse Trump’s 2020 defeat are poised to serve again
Almost 6,000 Dead in 6 Years: How Baltimore Became the U.S. Overdose Capital (gift link)
Congressional Hearings Are An Accountability Moment, That’s Why We Need Them
Millennials are ‘quiet vacationing’ rather than asking their boss for PTO: ‘There’s a giant workaround culture’
Wisconsin Senate Candidate Eric Hovde Says Old People Shouldn’t Get To Vote Because They’re Almost Dead
Scenes From a Public University Now Occupied by a Private Security Company
The Shaky Foundation of Trump’s Lead: Disengaged Voters. The Biden team faces questions of its own: Why have these voters backed away from him, and can his campaign find a way to reach them? (I wrote about this here two weeks ago; welcome to the party NYT!)
A Woman Who Left Society to Live With Bears Weighs in on “Man or Bear”
Kabosu, famous dog behind Doge meme, has died

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1 Response to Links 5/24/24

  1. Ten Bears says:

    Not about bears. Cool. No news is good news …

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