Links 5/25/24

Links for you. Science:

Masks work, our comprehensive review has found (paper here)
Egypt is building a $1-billion mega-museum. Will it bring Egyptology home?
Hundreds of cancer papers mention cell lines that don’t seem to exist: Finding could be an indicator of paper mill activity
Long COVID research advocates hammer Biden over ‘minimal funding’ in budget request
This Plastic Is Embedded With Bacterial Spores That Break It Down After It’s Thrown Out
California’s giant sequoias face a new threat — and the world’s largest tree may be at risk


“Everyone is absolutely terrified”: Inside a US ally’s secret war on its American critics: A foreign government is trying to silence US critics of its authoritarian turn — and it’s succeeding.
Washingtonians want Commanders to return to D.C., Post-Schar School poll finds (build housing there instead)
Why Does the Biden White House Hate Its Own Agenda? It’s not a mystery why voters don’t know what Biden has done. The White House communications team systematically refuses to talk about the Biden agenda to reorient big business.
The Permanent Counterrevolution
You get the cat the world gives you
Trump’s “Biden the assassin” fantasy is pure projection
I stumbled upon LLM Kryptonite – and no one wants to fix this model-breaking bug
Apartment rent continues to rise in Alexandria, outpacing inflation rate
‘Ready for Civil War’: Illinois Man Arrested With Bombs Posted Right-Wing Content
The Low-Paid Humans Behind AI’s Smarts Ask Biden to Free Them From ‘Modern Day Slavery’
RFK Jr. Is Even Crazier Than You Might Think. The full depth of his battiness is getting lost in the political coverage of his presidential bid.
The Christian Nationalist Danger Behind the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Flag
Trump isn’t joking about serving 3 or more terms. He wouldn’t leave power willingly the first time. He won’t if he returns to power.
House votes to block noncitizen voting in D.C. elections — again
Chartbook 284 Gaza: “the decade after” – the surreal geoeconomic imaginary of Netanyahu’s “economic peace”
An officer was called to help a blind, deaf dog. He shot him instead.
Trump Proudly Accepts Endorsements From Rappers Charged With Murder
Spyware found on US hotel check-in computers
How to Crack Down on Election Deniers? Make Them Pay. Literally.
Unmasking counterprotesters who attacked UCLA’s pro-Palestine encampment
Rent Control Now! How Joe Biden can help fix the nation’s chronic housing problem—and win the 2024 election
At least 66 members of far-right group in rural Oregon standing for office
Undecided voters fear Trump will never leave office if he wins
Aviation’s climate crisis may not be quite what you think.
It’s time for Justice Alito to face some consequences. Democrats should make the Supreme Court more of a campaign issue
Fontana pays nearly $900,000 for ‘psychological torture’ inflicted by police to get false confession

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