Reaching Across the Aisle to My Good Republican Friend

LOL! Not in Colorado (boldface mine):

The Colorado Republican Party is issuing a call to its members to pull their children from public school, saying Democrats are using schools to “turn more kids trans.”

The message was delivered in an email blast to Republicans statewide Tuesday.

“All Colorado parents should be aiming to remove their kids from public education,” read the directive from Darcy Schoening, director of special initiatives for the Colorado GOP.

Schoening is a former leader of the El Paso County chapter of the conservative activist group Moms for Liberty.

Under the leadership of Colorado GOP Chairman Dave Williams, the state Republican Party has tacked to the hard right despite holding less electoral power than at any time since before World War II…

The Colorado GOP attacked two Democratic LGBTQ sponsors of the bill, saying they “do not know their own genders and do not have children.”

Ganahl said Colorado’s public schools teach “that parents are not to be trusted, that government is God, that sexual deviance is King.”

The letter is truly crazy; here are some excerpts (boldface mine):

Our next policy aims to save Colorado children from progressive Democrats who want to turn more kids trans by requiring teachers to use “pronouns” that do not make any sense and cause gender confusion

If your child decides he identifies as a girl because he is angry with you, or all of his friends are doing it, the Colorado government will actively encourage his new fetish by allowing him to identify as “she,” “they,” or whatever nonsensical terms your son’s teachers and peers may dream up…all without notifying you of your child’s disturbing behavior, which should be treated rather then encouraged.

It’s the pronouns wot done it! (or maybe your kids are angry with you because you’re assholes who refuse to recognize who they are).

Seriously, there’s no way to negotiate or collaborate with these lunatics. They are fighting phantasms in their heads.

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4 Responses to Reaching Across the Aisle to My Good Republican Friend

  1. mccamj0409 says:

    Here’s a right winger who could think. Too few of them.

  2. Steve in Manhattan says:

    every time I hear: “my good friends across the aisle …” – NO. Sorry Democrats, but they are not your friends. The party of Reagan is the party of Trump. Say it with me.

  3. Professor Pupdog says:

    Getting rid of government-run public education is one of the goals of the Christian Reconstructionists/Dominionists.

  4. Greg Paul Lanman says:

    Good, pull your kids from public schools, those of us who choose to educate our children in the public school system will be better for their departure.

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