Links 2/2/13

Links for you. Science:

The Great and Powerful (Dr.) Oz, dissected in The New Yorker
Cats Are Ruthless Killers. Should They Be Killed? (excellent)
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Calls for Increased Investment in Competitive Agricultural Research
Tongue-tied? Perspectives on English as the international language of science
Preparing our gunsights: What types of investigators exist in the NIH system?
U.S. Said to Have Wasted Billions in Duplicative Spending on Research Grants


Crimes against history are crimes against humanity (must-read)
One Investment That Can Reduce Our Long-Term Debt
Incestuous Amplification, Economics Edition
David Brooks: Stupid as a Boiled Ham
Councilors propose protecting long-time homeowners from taxing effects of gentrification (this worked so well in California. This is a dreadful idea–we need the revenue)
Carrots for Doctors
How Common Core is Depressing America’s Intellect! Not Making It Brighter! (kids should be reading real books)
The first signs of a toddler infestation
Stop saying Republican electoral-vote rigging is constitutional. It’s not. Here’s why.
The N.R.A Dystopia
The Problem With Preachers
Secretary Kerry
The War on Work
A new explanation for the racial wealth gap

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