Links 2/2/12

Links for you. Science:

Drug Resistance in Pork: More Going On Than Appears
There Are No Fetal Cells In Soda, But Fear Is A Real Threat To Biotech
Cancer Chief Seeks to Solve 24 ’Great’ Mysteries (a bit propagandist, but still interesting)
Eating off the floor: How clean living is bad for you (I’ve always been skeptical of this idea: unless you’re living in an isolation unit, you’re constantly being exposed to all sorts of stuff)
Science Sunday: How Giant Water Bugs Breathe
Dropping the Ball at Day Care (on vaccination)


From the Field: “Hazed” Tells Her Story of Harassment
Harassment victims speak (when I was there many years ago, this shit was going on; depressing to see it hasn’t changed)
Advanced faculty wrangling techniques
Is the Federal Government Too Generous To Working-Class People? (of course, these same idiots will then argue that the private sector has a skills shortage)
Lie to me (about pharma reps)
Act II (Good for his Hizzoner; about the MBTA; also see this)
Greater Cleveland manufacturers testing new strategies to fight skills gap
Gingrichism Will Go Down with Gingrich, Damnit!
Susan G Komen Foundation Bows to Pro-Life Bullying; Stops Contributing to Planned Parenthood (I think it has more to do with the VP for Pubic Policy being a staunch anti-abortionist; go here to do the right thing)
Why Sensible Infrastructure Fixes Collapse in Congress

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