Links 12/28/21

Links for you. Science:

Webb telescope blasts off successfully — launching a new era in astronomy
Hospitalisation risk for Omicron cases in England
You Have No Idea How Hard It Is to Get a Hamster Drunk
WHO investigating mysterious illness in South Sudan that has killed nearly 100 people
The Next Disaster Coming to the Great Plains
How humans could live two years longer


Intimate portraits of a hospital COVID unit from a photojournalist-turned-nurse
Omicron follies
King of the Ghouls
Judy Garland talks about Marlene Dietrich
Why Christmas Gifts Are Arriving on Time This Year
Is Donald Trump an Anti-Semite? (is the Pope Catholic?)
Charlottesville Was Only a Preview
Jamaica’s Christmas Rebellion
As Prices Rise, Biden Turns to Antitrust Enforcers
An old building near Dupont Circle will get a nice, new turret
‘Magic’ Weight-Loss Pills and Covid Cures: Dr. Oz Under the Microscope
The Low-and-Slow Approach to Food Safety Reform Keeps Going Up in Smoke
A miner inconvenience
How Paid Experts Help Exonerate Police After Deaths in Custody
Washington state senator Doug Ericksen dies after battling covid-19
The Answer Is Not More Cars
Making restaurant workers wash their hands after using the restroom is fascism
Lawmakers, business leaders begin to raise alarms about dwindling federal aid, as omicron cases rise across U.S.
Face Up, Make Your Stand
Will NFTs transform the art world? Are they even art?
‘They were willing to let me die in there.’ The sins of Boston police past are leading to overturned convictions and prison releases
Can Indoor Farms Reach Skyscraper Height?

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