Links 4/18/19

Links for you. Science:

Measles Outbreak: Yeshiva’s Preschool Program Is Closed by New York City Health Officials
AMNH Backs Out Of Bolsonaro Gala After Sustained Public Outcry
How Giant Sea Spiders May Survive in Warming Oceans
DC ‘Shark Tank’ winner explains what’s wrong with city’s water
Exploding Aphids Plaster Holes in Their Home With Bodily Fluids


Modern Monetary Theory, explained: A very detailed walkthrough of the big new left economic idea. (worth the read)
How ‘Liberal’ Late-Night Talk Shows Became a Comedy Sinkhole
Maybe Rich Liberals Don’t Hate Sanders Because They Fear He Can’t Win, But Because They’re Rich
Mourning Notre Dame
The Cost of Child Care Is Crushing American Families. What Will the Presidential Candidates Do About It?
Bernie Sanders’ Tax Returns are Irrelevant
Sanders Takes the Campaign Against CAP to Eleven
A shower at D.C.’s new day services center leaves one homeless man feeling more than clean
A Bernie Sanders exchange on Fox highlights a big Trump vulnerability
The Dangerous Bullying of Ilhan Omar
BERNIE SANDERS CAN BEAT TRUMP (this is from Peter Daou. Wow.)
Trump Can’t Blame Mexico for U.S. Drug Problems
Should William Barr Recuse Himself From Mueller Report? Legal Experts Say Attorney General’s Ties to Russia Are Troubling
F.B.I. Bars Some China Scholars From Visiting U.S. Over Spying Fears
GOP Rep. Randy Fine calls Jewish Facebook commenter a ‘Judenrat’ Nazi collaborator
Is Trump a Russian Agent?: Explaining Terms of Art and Examining the Facts
Immigrants Didn’t Kill Your Union
Anxious Times In Pakistan’s Pagan Valley
Repealing Trump’s Tax Cut Would Bring in Billions—and 2020 Democrats Want to Put That Cash to Use

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