Links 10/31/16

Links for you. Science:

23andMe Has Given Up On Next-Generation Sequencing
Bananas to Bats: The Science Behind the First Bats Successfully Treated for White-Nose Syndrome
When adults forgo their immunizations, it costs the nation billions in care
Young, talented and fed-up: scientists tell their stories
Closing in on a Giant Ghost Planet


Fool Me Once: Many white workers aren’t voting for Democrats this November. And not for the reasons you think. (must-read)
Six Reasons for Optimism (and one big one for pessimism)
Hello, I’m a Social Justice Warrior, and I’m Here to Take Your Guns.
When You’re a Protester, the Color of Your Skin Is All That Matters
The Limits of Liberalism at Harvard
Sympathy for the Devil? Refusing to engage with Trump’s base will only guarantee the growth of the far right.
Conservative Intellectuals: Follow the Money
The Hillary Clinton Recession Is Going to Be Ugly
Why Bill Gates is trying to change Washington’s Supreme Court
Apple just told the world it has no idea who the Mac is for
The Best Way to Save Obamacare
“Not A ‘Real’ Union”: Emails Show Clinton Campaign Attacks On Nurses
The Trump Supporters…Who Are Secretly Voting for Hillary (wrote about this here)
Look Who’s Smiley Now: MoMA Acquires Original Emoji
How large is the “Secret Hillary Club”? Red-state women may be defying their Trump-loving husbands
If Her Opponent Weren’t a Sexual Predator, Clinton’s Leaked Speeches Would Be Devastating
Angry white Texas students storm out of class after teacher says humans emerged from Africa
Jeeps Made w/American Steel by Union Workers in Toledo
80 percent of U.S. adults face near-poverty, unemployment, survey finds

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