Links 8/3/16

Links for you. Science:

Florida now has a few cases of Zika. Puerto Rico has a widespread epidemic.
The Ferocious Dinosaur and the Invisible Scientists
Climate change is extending mosquito season in the D.C. region — bad news for Zika
The bizarre fossil was discovered in Nebraska in the late 19th Century, and it would help reveal a lost chapter in evolutionary history (the evolution of beavers!)
How Parka jackets saved early humans from the chilly fate of the Neanderthals


Mike Pence: ALEC is “a Model for the Nation”
Weather Service conducts ‘illegal surveillance’ on staff, union says
Democrats’ platform barely mentions feds, but their unions strongly support Clinton (though the Border Patrol union loves Trump. Go figure)
Bill Maher: Hillary Clinton Must Embrace The Role Of ‘Super Villain’ (funny)
The Paradox of New Buildings on Campus
Bogus ‘sex offender’ labels are ruining lives
This Illustrator Is Making Postcards Of D.C. Rather Than Official Washington
Farm that once benefited the homeless now run by fast-food chain (say what you will about Menino, but he would have never done this. Walsh is worse than I thought he would be)
The Smithsonian Will Pay Someone $64,000 a Year to Drink (and Research) Beer
What Gov. Baker’s Proposed 55 Percent Cut In Arts Funding Could Mean To Massachusetts
Blink-182: Punk for All Ages
Inequality is for Winners
That Time Tim Kaine Went To Bat For Big Coal
Tim Duncan’s LinkedIn page
Boston Mayor Walsh is a lousy anti-addiction spokesperson
Don’t You Dare Call It ‘Trump-ism’
Clinton’s VP Pick Just Made Pro-Choice Groups Mad

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