Another Day, Another Bout of Rightwing Insanity: The Kiddie Kommando Edition

With extra bonus bigot eruption! Tamara Scott, a Republican National Committee member (boldface mine):

“When we see these kids [child refugees from Latin America], you and I think young kids, we think maybe 12-year-olds, maybe homeschoolers — excuse me, middle-schoolers,” Scott said.

“But we know back in our revolution, we had 12-year-olds fighting in our revolution, and for many of these kids, depending on where they’re coming from, they could be coming from other countries and be highly trained as warriors who will meet up with their group here and actually rise up against us as Americans,” she continued.

….enticing children to cross the border into the U.S. violated biblical principles, because doing so encouraged them to break the law.

She didn’t specify any Bible verses that outlined those principles, but Leviticus 19:34 directly contradicts her assertion: “The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself.”

This is not some idiot in his parents’ basement, this is a Republican Party official–a national official. What was once used to gull the rubes is now party dogma. This, not kinder, gentler libertarians or the ‘reformicons’, is the Republican Party, is the conservative movement (do you think this kind of white nationalist really cares what someone named Reihan Salam thinks?).

Movement conservativism is best described not as an ideology, but as a mass communicable psychosis.

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1 Response to Another Day, Another Bout of Rightwing Insanity: The Kiddie Kommando Edition

  1. jrkrideau says:

    “This is not some idiot in his parents’ basement, this is a Republican Party officials. ” Synonyms are they not?

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