Links 6/9/18

Links for you. Science:

Great White Sharks Have A Secret ‘Cafe,’ And They Led Scientists Right To It
Why Elon Musk was dead wrong to tell me nanotechnology is BS
The second 1,000-year rainstorm in two years engulfed Ellicott City. Here’s how it happened.
As Google Feeds Cats, Owl Lovers Cry Foul
Cassowary leaping high caught on film


Donald Trump is not your president
‘He Pretty Much Gave In to Whatever They Asked For’: Trump says he’s a master negotiator. Those who’ve actually dealt with him beg to differ.
Elizabeth Holmes’ Superpower
Fire at London’s Hayward Gallery as Rotting Fish Artwork Explodes
The jobs numbers are released at 8:30am. The President is traditionally told the numbers the night before, but told to play them close to his chest. But at 7:21am he’s telling us all to tune in. Wonder why.
I’m a Black Millennial Who Just Moved to DC. Am I a Gentrifier?
70s sci-fi art
The week Trump went full dictator and no one tried to stop him
Will Washington Post’s Hiring of Former WSJ Opinion Editor Bring Climate Deniers to its Pages?
Niall Ferguson’s leaked emails show what’s really going on in the campus free speech fight.
Jordan Peterson: ‘One thing I’m not is naive’
An abortion at the age of 23 gave me freedom
The most interesting thing about the “Thanksgiving Effect” study is what it tells us about the limits of data anonymization
Note to Racists: It’s Not Racist to Call You “Racist”
Did exactly 4,645 people die in Hurricane Maria? Nope.
The Persistence of Whitewashing
Randy Wray Argues a Job Guarantee Will Suppress Wages

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