Links 7/16/17

Links for you. Science:

Mea culpa! Orac praised the new CDC director for her pro-vaccine views, but missed the quackery in her past.
White House’s dwindling science office leaves major research programmes in limbo
Why Research By Undergraduates Is Important For Science And Students
The rare Trump appointment that is actually making scientists very happy
An iceberg the size of Delaware has broken off from Antarctica


Natalia Veselnitskaya was no stranger, she was important to Trump’s business
This Is Voter Terrorism
The GOP’s Holocaust sound bites bite back
What This White House Really Needs Is Mercenaries
We All Live In The System
Feelings (fear of public transit‘ is bizarre in 2017)
Sell the rights to Metro station names? No, thanks.
When Power and Party Trump Country and Duty
Why George Pelecanos Stays in Silver Spring
Don’t look now, but Democrats just flipped two more seats from red to blue Tuesday night
D.C. Councilmember Wants to Make Homelessness a Protected Class
Betsy DeVos meets with ‘men’s rights’ activists
Trump won by running as a moderate Republican
Eric Prince for Viceroy
Political amateurs are a threat to democracy
Modern Economists: The Inept Firefighters’ Club
The Fall of Working-Class New York (Fear City is good; the NYC default taught neo-liberals an important and bad lesson)
50 States of McMansion Hell: Rankin County, Mississippi

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