Links 12/17/13

Links for you. Science:

Creationist upset public schools teach children they are ‘cousins of bananas’ (some day, sane people will actually realize just how nuts these bozos are)
Collins proposes HHMI style “people, not projects” awards. Big deal.
How We’re Destroying Our Kids’ Brains: As many as one in six children has a neurodevelopmental disability, and scientists are finding links to pollution.
Washing Hands in Hot Water Wastes Energy, Study Says (the problem with the study is that people will be less likely to wash their hands thoroughly in cold water when it’s cold out)
People behind the Science: Dr. Richard Lenski


Admitted fuck up Ezra Klein is less interested in inequality than you are (must-read; also, given Klein gets $10,000 – $25,000 per speech, he probably isn’t that concerned about inequality)
Is Krugman Running on Brand Fumes? (TransPacific Partnership Edition)
Riot in cell blocked 737 (funny)
The End of the College Essay: An essay.
Gay Rights and Putin’s Olympics
How the Cost of Other People’s Parking Drives Up Your Rent
Boston in the snow back in the day
ALEC has tremendous influence in state legislatures. Here’s why.
How Americans Value Public Libraries in Their Communities
I Don’t Want Michael Bromwich Messing With My Next iPhone
Dear Pres. Obama: Dissent isn’t Possible in a Surveillance State
Abbas: Don’t boycott Israel. Infuriating activists, PA president tells reporters in South Africa he backs boycott of settlements but not of Israel, with whom ‘we have relations’
Standards of evidence
How I introduced a 27-year-old computer to the web

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1 Response to Links 12/17/13

  1. jrkrideau says:

    RE How the Cost of Other People’s Parking Drives Up Your Rent

    And if you are a walker/cyclist/transit user you are also paying for other peoples parking at the local grocery strore or mall since they are providiing ostensibly free parking which is actually in the price of the goods you buy.

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