Links 10/31/13

Happy Halloween! Let’s celebrate with some links. Science:

A Thrill Now Sadly Rare
Genetic Test for Autism Refuted: Replication attempt shows that earlier claims about a genetic test for autism were overblown.
Want To See An Enzyme? Check Inside Your Nose.
The Origin of Junk DNA: A Historical Whodunnit
Chairman Mao Invented Traditional Chinese Medicine: Why did the U.S. Senate unwittingly endorse 1950s Chinese Communist Party propaganda?
RIP Monica Riley of MBL, one of the true greats of E. coli biology, genetics & genomics


DMing for your toddler (this is funny)
Here’s What Happens When Wall Street Builds A Rental Empire (I told you this would happen)
Slaves of the Internet, Unite! (though the “she was very pretty” line is jarring in light of recent science bloggysphere events)
Confederate flag was the flag of traitors (I prefer the American Swastika)
Why job interviews don’t work
The tribesman who Facebook friended me: He was a hunter-gatherer from remote Papua New Guinea. And now he was in my feed. How did this happen?
The Real Guide to Using Twitter
Martin Walsh sees neglect, promise of bustling square
The charity that houses homeless people in shipping containers
Marty Sullivan figured out how the world’s biggest companies avoided billions in taxes. Here’s how he wants to stop them.
There’s one key difference between kids who excel at math and those who don’t
Could Obama’s Campaign Tech Gurus Fix Let’s Ask ‘Em!

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