A Couple More Thoughts About the Colorado Decision

To follow up from this earlier post about the Colorado Supreme Court decision to toss Trump off the primary (and presumably general) ballot:

  1. We need to remember–and remind people–that the CO Supreme Court didn’t throw Trump off the ballot because he is a bigoted, racist pig. They threw him off because he is a bigoted, racist pig who committed insurrection against the Constitution.

    If GOPers want a bigoted, racist pig who has not committed insurrection, they have lots of options! Just not that particular bigoted, racist pig!
  2. It’s very hard to believe if something like the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 had happened at the Congress (instead of being targeted towards the local government of Wilmington), the drafters of the 14th Amendment would have said that the 14th Amendment wouldn’t apply. Yes, no Confederacy per se was involved, but if the same actions had occurred with the goal of replacing members of Congress (or the President), I feel fairly confident they would have called this an insurrection against the Constitution.
  3. I’ll say more about this next week, but, yes, throwing Trump off the ballot is a necessary thing. While all of the RETVRN douchebags are wrong about the whole ‘It’s A rEpUbLiC, nOt A dEmOcRaCy’ thing, we are a representative democracy, and it’s time for those who represent us–and those appointed to power by those who represent us–to do their fucking jobs already. While it might be bad law to disqualify Trump (IANAL), it is not undemocratic to do so.
  4. To paraphrase a couple of Bluesky POASTERS, if the 14th Amendment can be ignored, then why not the 22nd? Obama should file to run in the Republican primary just to make the point.
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10 Responses to A Couple More Thoughts About the Colorado Decision

  1. ronzie9 says:

    Well hell, if we’re going to ignore parts of the Constitution that deny the voters a say in who is President, then let’s just ignore the Electoral College the next time it disagrees with the popular vote!

  2. Boris says:

    Section3 of the 14th is clear enough.

    Both the Colorado lower court & its Supreme Court held ( after what has been described as 3 days worth of prosecutorial and defence testimony and evidence ) that Trump engaged in insurrection, nad hence is disqualified from holding office.

    The Roberts court will do whatever it wants here ( as always ). But I see no way out for SCOTUS on the immunity question, lest they baldly torture both language and logic as was done re 2nd Amendment and in Bush v. Gore ( perhaps even echoing their insipid assurance that particular ruling was a ‘one time thing.’)

    But I also have hopes that the electorate is finally starting to see, and MSM is begrudgingly starting to report on, Trump’s early onset dementia.

    A good friend, one with over a decade’s experience in geriatric medicine, told me what I’ve read by numerous other mental health pros: Trump’s dementia includes frontal lobe pathophyiology. I’ve personally gone through this with a parent; they flat out deny saying what several people heard them say; forget otherwise known facts
    ( where they’re at ); poor judgment; impulsivity; unrealistic assessment of their condition.

    All evidenced by Trump’s documented begavior. And his condition is worsening.

    Moreover the constant Adderall use has aggravated Trump’s well-known dual incontinence ( which may or may not also be exacerbated by the dementia ). This is a long documented problem, going back to his ‘Apprentice’ days where a particular individual had to be assigned to Trump to change his diapers while on set. That’s still ongoing. One assumes his current ‘body man’ now has that unpleasant duty.

    According to those on Trump’s fringe, and other’s who have simply met him, the odor, combined with the chemical smell of his own sweat, is grossly overwhelming.

    This has not yet been widely disseminated by the media, perhaps based on the same ‘reasoning’ that MSM initially refused to call out Trump’s lies as lies.

    But it needs to be done soon; these are not unimportant personal peccadilloes, but grave outward manifestations of Trump’s unfitness for any office, much less the presidency.

    The public should be informed, in detail, and soon. I’m confident that even the Kool-Aid drinkers will change their tune when they find out how medically ill Trump really is.

    The we wouldn’t need to bother SCOTUS from their navel gazing.

  3. David says:

    Trump said (2016) “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters” and he was right. He is remarkably immune to consequences of his actions.

  4. Boris says:

    Immunity review denied w/o comment.

    There can now be no question that portions of this SCOTUS is corrupt.


  5. Boris says:

    Immunity case denied by court without comment.

    There can now be no question that portions of this SCOTUS are corrupt.


  6. Saving Myself says:

    Maybe I missed it…..when was Trump tried and found guilty of insurrection? Or have we as a nation reached the point where you can claim real loud that someone broke the law and thus that person no longer has to be tried and found guilty? Do you have any self reflection to realize how desperate and morally corrupt you sound? Yes I believe Trump is a blowhard and many other unpleasant things. But please tell me where and when he was tried and convicted of insurrection. If you cannot provide this information then you are dangerously close to being even worse than Trump.

    • Boris says:

      It is easy to miss, SM, as the MSM has downplayed it.

      The Colorado District Court found Trump had “engaged in insurrection” by inciting the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol, though that same court ruled he could remain on that state’s ballot. The CO Supreme Court, however, not only affirmed the insurrection ruling, but also ruled that becuase of that finding Trump was no longer elgible to be placed on the state primary ballot.

      In addition you may be interested in the legal hissy fit currently making the rounds among certain lawyers as to whether the 14th Amendment is self-executing. IANAL but I believe that to be true as Section 3 does NOT refer to trials or convictions at all.


    • Boris says:

      Sorry – was conversing with someone else on SCOTUS’s latest lack of courage and pasted wrong link in my reply. Below is proper one”


      • Saving Myself says:

        I went to link. There was no trial. There was no evidence presented at a trial. There was no defense of “charges.” This is a fine example of the judicial system in many places of this country turning into kangaroo courts. Personally I find Trump abhorrent. What I find even more abhorrent is the absolute belief that some “body” can “proclaim” guilt. You are guilty because I say so. This judicial road is one that other dictatorships in the past have hoisted up as good and proper. Are you so inflamed with hate that you do not see what you are trumpeting? Yes the pun was intended.

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