Links 9/27/22

Links for you. Science:

Gene Updater: a web tool that autocorrects and updates for Excel misidentified gene names
Infants are being hospitalized with Covid at higher rates than most adults and seniors.
Adversarial Collaboration: An EDGE Lecture by Daniel Kahneman
Association of SARS-CoV-2 Infection With New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes Among Pediatric Patients From 2020 to 2021
COVID-19 infection may increase risk of type 1 diabetes, suggests nationwide study of 1.2 million children
Long COVID Has Forced a Reckoning for One of Medicine’s Most Neglected Diseases. Only a couple dozen doctors specialize in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Now their knowledge could be crucial to treating millions more patients.


Biden Declared the Pandemic Over. I Immediately Got COVID. (excellent)
The Antitrust Shooting War Has Started
We’re in a one-way masking world now. Therefore, it’s time to upgrade your respirators. Cloth and surgical masks (and even some KN95s and N95) simply won’t suffice.
Whatever Happened to the Starter Home?
Misinforming patients is a bad idea
Yes, DC Misspelled “Virginia Avenue”
How Ashish Jha and Rochelle Walensky of Newton, MA Protect Their Children from Covid (But not Yours)
Eric Foner, interviewed by Nawal Arjini
Trump reportedly rips DeSantis as ‘fat’ and ‘phony’ and ‘whiny’
I don’t want your god in charge of my health care
Sounds Good
How the Democrats’ Economics Changed
NYT Defense Force, Assemble
Is there really a shortage of home health care workers?
House GOP leaders vow to undo $80B to rebuild IRS if party regains majority
Roger Stone Admits He’s Been Advising The Proud Boys For Years
Girls Who Code book series banned in some US classrooms (cancel culture tho)
Whatever Happened to the Starter Home?
Libs of Tiktok is fueling a pogrom against trans youth
The Return of Fascism in Italy. With Giorgia Meloni’s party leading in polls ahead of Sunday’s election, the Italian far right is edging closer to power.
‘We Were Already Stretched Thin:’ A Nursing Shortage Is Straining D.C.-Area Hospitals
Bill To Give D.C. Residents $100 A Month For Metro Clears Council Committee
Racine Bashes McDuffie for Raising Cash from a Developer ‘At the Center of Displacement’
Far right preparing army of ‘poll watchers’ eager to find proof of conspiracy theories in ’22 vote

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1 Response to Links 9/27/22

  1. honeyplaybey says:

    Very practical, I have made a note.

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