Links 4/13/22

Links for you. Science:

Why the WHO took two years to say COVID is airborne
The case for counting COVID cases
Transmission of SARS-CoV-21 Omicron VOC subvariants BA.1 and BA.2:2. Evidence from Danish Households
Understanding COVID-19 through genome-wide association studies
The World’s Largest Bee and the Cautionary Tale of Its Rediscovery
55-year study reveals an overlooked but critical desert symbiote is disappearing


The Ivermectin Guys’ Whole Thing Has Really Fallen Apart
Amazon Tried One of the Oldest Tricks in the Book, and It Backfired
Some voters ponder sitting out midterms over student loan inaction, posing peril for Democrats
Does D.C. Need 4,000 Police Officers?
Is a Misguided Hospital Building Boom Coming?
Heavy-Ass EVs Are Going To Kill Us All
Collecting Bodies in Bucha
Hiding in plain sight: How Donald Trump became the most powerful religious leader on the right
Cleared for takeoff.
Has US Rep. Kai Kahele Given Up On Washington?
Why American Teens Are So Sad
Fox News isn’t news: A new study suggests Fox News viewers aren’t just manipulated and misinformed — they are literally being made ignorant by their consumption habits.
You May Not Find Many Friends on This Power-Hungry Supreme Court
Bucha’s Month of Terror
The war next door: Conflict in Mexico is displacing thousands
How Biden Can Save Democracy From the GOP
4 Options For Biden To Legally Enact Student Loan Forgiveness Without Congress
It’s Time We Stop Listening to Economists on Climate Change
Vice-President Benjamin Franklin Butler in 1864. President in 1865?
Distraught over orders to investigate trans kids’ families, Texas child welfare workers are resigning
Congress details allegations of Commanders’ ‘unlawful’ conduct to FTC

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