Links 4/12/22

Links for you. Science:

Multi-scale modelling reveals that early super-spreader events are a likely contributor to novel variant predominance
Biden administration ramps up long Covid research efforts following criticism
3 steps ARPA-H needs to take to accomplish its mission
These Birds Form a Trio, but Probably Not a Throuple
The Runaway Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Leading to the Highly Evolved Delta Strain


I Haz A Thought
In praise of Jorts the Cat, unlikely labor leader
How Many Billionaires Are There, Anyway?
Speculating About the Botched Shanghai Lockdown
Jared Kushner got $2 billion in Saudi investment despite ‘unsatisfactory’ business operations
Let’s Not Put Too Much Pressure on Amazon Workers to Lead the Labor Movement
Philly Reinstates Indoor Mask Mandate: Philadelphia will again require masks indoors at businesses and schools.
Beltway A-Lister Gridiron Superspreader Omnishambles (Butchered by “Personal Risk” Brain Geniuses)
OSU investigating professor’s ‘Jewing down’ comment
Russia’s genocide handbook: The evidence of atrocity and of intent mounts
Russia Airs Its Ultimate ‘Revenge Plan’ for America
Crowds Celebrate Ketanji Brown Jackson At 14th Street Block Party And Mural Unveiling
How Joe Manchin Knifed the Democrats — and Bailed on Saving Democracy. Joe Biden promised to fix voting rights. The senator from West Virginia had other ideas.
Roger Stone, former OANN host among right-wing pundits losing their minds over Trump backing Dr. Oz
Joe Manchin has finally worn out his welcome with fellow Democrats
The Pandora Papers Are More Useful Than Ever During This Economic Cold War With Russia
“Explicitly Sacrificing Most Priorities of the Left” to Get Republicans to Play Nice
Grand Bargaining
What I Heard From Passengers on the Last Train Out of Russia
Hubris and isolation led Vladimir Putin to misjudge Ukraine
False flag junkies
The Unbelievable Stupidity of Ending Global Covid Aid
Summers Watch: Larry Summers is not only a self-promoter who is often wrong on his economics. He is disdainful of who suffers if his recommendations are taken seriously.

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