Links 7/21/20

Links for you. Science:

G.A.O.: Trump Boosts Deregulation by Undervaluing Cost of Climate Change
How Munich Turned Its Coronavirus Outbreak Into a Scientific Study
Once a relic of medical history, radiation emerges as an intriguing — and divisive — treatment for Covid-19
Small Lab Makes Big Breakthrough In Nuclear Fusion Tech
From swabs to antibodies: How to understand your coronavirus test results


Are We There Yet? Now that states are reopening, it’s time to rethink how we get around.
‘I Can’t Keep Doing This:’ Small-Business Owners Are Giving Up
The QAnon Candidates Are Here. Trump Has Paved Their Way. (Democratic-aligned radicals, on the other hand, want…Medicare for All. Both sides something something)
Can We Create All the Money We Need?
Falling Upward: The Surprising Survival of Larry Summers
I’m from Wuhan. I got covid-19 — after traveling to Florida.
Trump Unleashes His Secret Police in Portland
College students return to campus in a few weeks. We wanted to know their thoughts about quarantine, symptom tracking, contact tracing, and mask wearing on campus. Here’s what students told us.
There Are Literally No Good Options for Educating Our Kids This Fall
Trump administration pushing to block new money for testing, tracing, and CDC in upcoming coronavirus relief bill
Anti-Semitic Comments by Athletes Demand a Better Response
Donald Trump is destroying the Post Office
Ivanka Trump’s ‘let them eat cake’ economics: The First Daughter channels Marie Antoinette as she lectures unemployed Americans
Don’t get fooled by Trump’s cynical new scam on the coronavirus
From dream job to nightmare: More than a dozen women allege sexual harassment and verbal abuse by former team employees at Redskins Park
Betsy Devos’ refusal to honor student loan forgiveness shows her disrespect for the law (“The Obama administration, however, rejected calls by borrowers and advocates alike to cancel these debts in bulk…The consequence now is that too many students who were defrauded by for-profit schools that are totally dependent on federal dollars are still suffering with unfair and unmanageable debts, and relying on a Cabinet member who doesn’t think the law applies to her.”)
Weird Monopolies and Roll-Ups: Horse Shows, School Spirit, Settlers of Catan, and Jigsaw Puzzles
“We All Want To Pretend This Isn’t Happening”: Mask-Free Pandemic Parties Are Popping Up In NYC
Saline Shortage Feared With Hurricane Season Threatening Production
For parents who can afford it, a solution for fall: Bring the teachers to them
‘Welcome to Typhoid Mary Middle School’: Why an Educator and Dad Thinks Reopening Our Schools Is a Non-Starter

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