Links 11/1/19

Links for you. Science:

Industry dominates Trump’s new council of science advisers
QIAGEN Quashes GeneReader
Scientists Were Hunting for the Next Ebola. Now the U.S. Has Cut Off Their Funding. (though see this)
These Rat-Eating Monkeys Are a Surprisingly Effective Form of Pest Control
Scientists taught rats to drive little rat-sized cars. It could advance human mental health treatment


Healthcare Reformer Wendell Potter: The For-Profit ‘System Is Unraveling’ (excellent)
Want to fight anti-Semitism, a year after Pittsburgh? Here’s one easy way.
California Blackout: Turning the Lights Off
Republican Impeachment Panic Sets In
How a Veteran Reporter Worked with Giuliani’s Associates to Launch the Ukraine Conspiracy (related post here)
Joe Biden’s Super PAC Is Being Organized by Corporate Lobbyists for Health Care Industry, Weapons Makers, Finance
Rich Democratic donors, party establishment fret about decreased control over the primary
Bernie Sanders Shares His Plan for a Working-Class Revolution
New Poll Finds Voters Strongly Oppose Employer Insurance
The Zombie Campaign: Joe Biden is the least formidable front-runner ever. Will it matter?
The 2010s Have Broken Our Sense Of Time
What Nationals fans and native Washingtonians have in common
Universal Health Care: We’re Already Paying for It. We’re Just Not Getting It
“How Will You Pay For It?” Is the New “But Her Emails”
America Sponsors Far-Right Holocaust Revisionist Exhibit in Kiev, Part I
Should public servants refuse to serve under President Trump?
Trump does not have a ‘problematic’ view of people of color. He’s a racist
Liberal Feminism Has a Sex Work Problem
The Making of a White Supremacist Myth: Why the far-right pushes the lie that black Americans fought as Confederate soldiers
It’s Worse Than Lies: There’s No Word in the English Language for What Trump & Co. Are Doing
Hillary Clinton Spoils the Party
Why Barack Obama was particularly unsuited to live up to the ideals of the Nobel Peace Prize
Trump Still Hasn’t Addressed Pittsburgh Shooting Suspect’s Anti-Refugee Views: The Tree of Life attacker made an explicit connection between the Jewish refugee resettlement organization HIAS and his desire to kill Jews, says the group’s leader.

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