Links 8/20/19

Links for you. Science:

‘Geno-economics’ Is a Thing, But Maybe It Shouldn’t Be (should also see this paper)
Don’t change your DNA at home, says America’s first CRISPR law
Ebola Outbreaks Are About Inequality
Looking Backward To Move Forward: the Utility of Sequencing Historical Bacterial Genomes
Double-Blind: A promising field of biomedical research makes great strides—for white people


Most Latinos Now Say It’s Gotten Worse For Them In The U.S.
The Descent Into Cruelty
They’re All Just Quite A Bit Racist
Joe Biden’s frontrunner status is a media-driven mirage
How YouTube Radicalized Brazil
QR code payments make long commutes even longer in China
Russian Election Hacking in 2020 Could Easily Be Much Worse Than 2016
Third lien on Trump hotel brings alleged unpaid bills to over $5 million
In Virginia, 2 Churches Feel The Aftermath Of Trump’s Racist Rhetoric
Canadians are hopping mad about Trump’s drug importation plan. Some of them are trying to stop it
Bring a Book
Did a Far-Right Star Recruit Jacob Wohl to Terrorize Women?
Why many employees feel devalued even in booming job market
NYC’s $15 minimum wage hasn’t brought the restaurant apocalypse — it’s helped them thrive
Why Were the 1970s So… Weird?
The Great Land Robbery
The Radical Transformations of a Battered Women’s Shelter
“Old Paris Is No More”
How the television transformed our homes

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1 Response to Links 8/20/19

  1. Zachary Smith says:

    *** How the television transformed our homes ***
    I can’t deny the impact of the television, but I’m not convinced TV was any more important than the radio.

    *** Why Were the 1970s So… Weird? ***
    The author was born in 1967, but it’s still odd he is so narrowly focused on the counterculture aspect of the “weird” stuff. There is a wiki for the 70s, and some of the more prominent stuff there:
    * Nixon resigned
    * Iran hostage crisis
    * Cambodian holocaust
    * Monster inflation
    * Gasoline crisis
    * First VCRs
    * First electronic pocket calculators and end of the age of the slide rule
    * First home microwave ovens
    * First video games.

    *** Canadians are hopping mad about Trump’s drug importation plan. Some of them are trying to stop it ***
    Why are the Canadians having a shortage of prescription medicines? I’d assumed the problems in the US were due to Big Pharma greed, but Canada? For what it’s worth, China has all of us by the plums on this issue:

    *** Russian Election Hacking in 2020 Could Easily Be Much Worse Than 2016 ***
    Jonathan Chait might be a warmongering neocon asshole, or he could be a grand Apartheid state patriot. Whichever it is, the man backed the invasion of Iraq. The destruction of Libya. No matter, the man surely takes home a grand paycheck. From the RT site:
    ^^^ A writer for New York Magazine has rehashed his most outlandish theory that US President Donald Trump could have been a Russian asset since the 1980s — and has been mercilessly mocked on Twitter for his efforts. ^^^

    *** The Descent Into Cruelty ***
    I clicked on the link, looked at the photographs, again at the headline; then I clicked out saying to myself “West Bank” and “Gaza”. No doubt the US of A is uniquely cruel among all the nations of the world.

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