Links 8/6/19

Links for you. Science:

Playing a long game (very interesting)
The White House Blocked My Report on Climate Change and National Security
Winter is (not) coming: Warming temperatures will affect the overwinter behavior and survival of blue crab
Orange is the new green: How orange peels revived a Costa Rican forest
Life is tough


Corporate Democrats Have Been in the Driver’s Seat for 30 Years. Not Anymore.
Democrats Are Veering Left. It Might Just Work.
Can Someone Please Vote CNN Off the Stage?
CNN’s Debate Questions Were for Losers
America Should Thank Amazon for Giving Workers the Chance to ‘Chant Prime Day Slogans’
Last Night’s Debate Produced a Clear Winner: Medicare for All
Trump’s Racism Is a National Emergency
The debate format is an embarrassment. Here’s how to make it better.
Behold, the most (intentionally) poorly designed website ever created
Why Linguists Are Fascinated by the American Jewish Accent
The tyranny of productivity
Better Things Are Not Possible
Tenants nearly lost rent-controlled apartments owned by a Catholic church. A developer found a solution.
Why I’m fleeing Honduras to seek asylum in the US
“This Need Not Be Our Normal”: Why Washington National Cathedral Published Such a Strong Statement About Trump
Confederate statue near Judiciary Square should be removed, D.C. delegate says
Why my committee needs the president’s tax returns
Why Won’t Democrats Blame Hospitals?
The Opioid Crisis Is About More Than Corporate Greed
Private Equity: The Perps Behind Destructive Hospital Surprise Billing

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1 Response to Links 8/6/19

  1. Zachary Smith says:

    *** Corporate Democrats Have Been in the Driver’s Seat for 30 Years. Not Anymore. ***
    Nonsensical conclusion. One debate doesn’t change the fact Pelosi and the rest of her gang have an iron grip on the Democratic party.

    *** Trump’s Racism Is a National Emergency ***
    An author at Rolling Stone’s declaring a “national emergency” means nothing. So long as Pelosi is happy with his behavior, Trump is as snug as a bug in a rug.

    *** Confederate statue near Judiciary Square should be removed, D.C. delegate says ***
    The article says Congress “authorized” this statue, so it can surely unauthorize it. Since Federal Funds helped pay for it, I’d say we-the-taxpayers ought to bear no more of the expenses. Give the Masons a couple of years to move it out. After that, the Feds could spend a little of my money after all by hiring a crew with jackhammers and torches. I’ve seen some of the neo-Confederates sputter about taking down all statues of Washington because he owned slaves. Some of those people are bright enough to know they’re talking BS.

    *** Why my committee needs the president’s tax returns ***
    I don’t understand why they need Trump’s tax forms to write a new law. However, if the article isn’t inaccurate, the Congress already has the legal authority to view those documents. Whining isn’t going to cut it with Trump. But does anybody believe Pelosi-The-Enabler is going to do anything? Like starting Impeachment Proceedings? I don’t.

    *** Why Won’t Democrats Blame Hospitals? ***
    This article provided the most likely answer towards the end of the piece.
    ^^^ Perhaps it’s because America’s Health Insurance Plans, the health insurers’ trade group, is not as big of a lobbying spender as the American Hospital Association. ^^^
    It’s the Benjamins, Baby.
    I clicked on the internal WP link defending Health Insurance companies and gagged. IMO it was that kind of awful.

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