Links 1/30/18

Links for you. Science:

Fossil Discoveries Challenge Ideas About Earth’s Start
If you love teaching, a research university might be perfect for you
Functioning ‘mechanical gears’ seen in nature for the first time (ignores rotifers; still neat though)
Here’s how the flu virus kills some people so quickly
We Need More Scientists As Public Intellectuals


Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia’s interference in US-elections (must-read)
How Mike Pence expanded Indiana’s controversial voucher program when he was governor
How Democrats Can Mobilize Millions of Non-Voters
Getting Past Bernie vs. Hillary: Signs of Real Hope for Democrats
Trump Administration Hangs ‘Propaganda’ Posters At EPA Boasting Rollback Of Obama-Era Protections
Even Breathing Is A Risk In One Of Orlando’s Poorest Neighborhoods
All Glenn Greenwald’s Women
The truth about JPMorgan’s wage bump
In this tiny Maine town, residents say white nationalist administrator didn’t speak for them
The Great Lesson of California in America’s New Civil War
After a year, top Trump staffers still working without certified financial disclosures
How Would Trump’s Immigration Crackdown Have Affected His Own Team?
Clearing The Congressional Field… In California
CFPB drops probe into lender that gave to Mulvaney’s campaigns
Paul Nehlen Is an Anti-Semitic Clown
Downturn in US Tourism Under Trump Has Cost $4.6 Billion & 40,000 Jobs
‘Feminists Need Rape’: DC Charter School Board Official Exposed As White Supremacist, Rape Advocate

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