Links 9/14/17

Links for you. Science:

Neanderthals were distilling tar 200 thousand years ago in Europe
A pharma shill working on behalf of an industry-funded group shows how easy it is to publish propaganda as a legitimate op-ed
PETA versus the postdoc: Animal rights group targets young researcher for first time
Backyard Chickens Carry a Hidden Risk: Salmonella
5 Truly Gross Parasites That Have Ruined Real People’s Vacations


Mommy, where do ponies come from? (must-read)
Identity Theft, Credit Reports, and You (best read I’ve found so far about what to do)
The Department of Justice Is Overseeing the Resegregation of American Schools
‘I helped defeat the Nazis in 1941, and I’m ready to fight fascism again in 2017’
Soros Slander Reveals Anti-Semitism at the Heart of the Far Right
So much for that Voynich manuscript “solution”
She Was a Rising Star at a Major University. Then a Lecherous Professor Made Her Life Hell.
How Equifax Screwed Up My Financial Life
A Requiem for Florida, the Paradise That Should Never Have Been
Worst US Consumer Data Hack Ever? Equifax Confesses
On the anniversary of 9/11
Violence and the State: Equifax
It’s Not Enough To “Move To The Left”
Gamergate is never going away
I Walked 64 Miles Around the Beltway. What the Hell Was I Thinking?
The Myth of Deep Throat: Mark Felt wasn’t out to protect American democracy and the rule of law; he was out to get a promotion.
Jared Kushner for Fed Chair?

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