Links 2/26/17

Links for you. Science:

Viewing addiction as a brain disease promotes social injustice (must-read)
Introducing the ENCODE Gene Set Hub
Dear Vice President Pence: Stop peddling false hopes to dying patients
How mammoth cloning became fake news


The Death of Compassion (important history here)
Why Nothing Works Anymore (excellent)
Kenneth Arrow’s (Ignored) Impossibility Theorem
America’s Monopolies Are Holding Back the Economy
Manafort faced blackmail attempt, hacks suggest
The next DNC chair will have a huge opportunity — and a huge burden
One Teachers Union Is Talking to Betsy DeVos. The Other One Isn’t. Which Is Right?
D.C. Is The Sixth Most Traffic-Congested City In The U.S., Study Says
Mina’s Story: “This is the personal story of a 36-year old Iranian Ph.D. student in Boston”
Killer, kleptocrat, genius, spy: the many myths of Vladimir Putin
The National Death Wish
Reince Priebus Needs to Leave Trump’s White House. Today.
Trump’s personal Nazi
Principles for Progressives to Follow on Trump’s Ties to Russia
Cowardice and Freedom
Trump, Putin, and the New Cold War
A Few Things I’ve Learned Through Sportswriting: Some thoughts on the recent “liberal scribe” debate

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