Links 5/16/16

Links for you. Science:

That’s No Border Wall, Mr. Trump: It’s the World’s Longest Concrete Dam
Endangered fish dies after ‘idiots’ litter its habitat with beer cans, puke and underwear
CDC labs repeatedly faced secret sanctions for mishandling bioterror germs
Farming Could Spell Disaster for Cuba’s Coral Reefs
How The Plan To Populate An Island With Snakes Has Become An Election-Year Wedge Issue


The Problem with Obamacare
Pay for performance worked this time, right? No?
Attack on West Virginia State Senate Candidate Overshadows Vote
“Why do all old statues have such small penises?”
Police Arrest Woman Suspected of Post-Funk Parade Hit-and-Runs
Why the War on Drugs Is a Massive Failure, Part Infinity
Today in Awesome Little Free Libraries
At Howard University, Obama Wrongly Lauds Importance Of Compromise For Social Change
Ann Coulter’s Anti-Semitism Runs Deeper Than You Know
Trump Selects a White Nationalist Leader as a Delegate in California
The Progressive Case For Hillary Clinton Isn’t Much of a Case At All
I’d buy that for a dollar (last couple of paragraphs are key)
Hedging Education: How hedge funders spurred the pro-charter political network
The feds tell Metro to rearrange its maintenance plans
As Jobs Vanish, Forgetting What Government Is For
I Am Not Convinced Hillary Clinton Is the Right Candidate to Take on Trump

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