Links 11/14/15

Links for you. Science:

Helping my students overcome command-line bullshittery
Hawaii Health Department confirms 10 cases of locally-acquired dengue fever
The Two Cultures of Computing: User Culture Versus Programmer Culture
Britain Spends Less Than Any Advanced Nation On Science And Is Losing Out, Top Scientists Warn
New Paint Kills Hospital Pathogens


Ed Lazear: This is the real unemployment rate
Don’t Blow It: Anti-Leaf Blower Group Wins First Political Victory (also see this and this; it’s really bad, especially in the DC ‘burbs where it’s never quiet)
These 4 Cops Lied About Getting Shot to Manufacture Outrage Against ‘Black Lives Matter’ (not entirely accurate; they lied to deflect blame from themselves, but BLM makes a great scapegoat)
What Hippies Understand
Ben Carson has weird ideas and makes stuff up. What kind of president would he be?
Lessons from the gentrification wars
Hillary Clinton: Most charter schools ‘don’t take the hardest-to-teach kids, or, if they do, they don’t keep them’ (credit where credit is due)
Rescuing Strivers from Those People
The Keystone Pipeline and the Defeat of Faceless Corporate Power
Ben Carson: A case study on why intelligent people are often not skeptics
They don’t like it when the tables are turned
Why is GOP mega-donor Paul Singer backing Marco Rubio? Rubio’s backing him in the Senate.
The time Ben Carson thanked God when his employee “disappeared”
School violence: Can we stop the blaming and look for solutions?
Trans Inclusion Is a Jewish Value

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