Links 10/12/15

Links for you. Science:

Scientists say a dramatic worldwide coral bleaching event is now underway
Deadly Pig Virus May Have Sneaked Into US On Reusable Bags
US could be on verge of measles outbreak, researchers warn
NSF peer review remains target for Congress
California Gets Tough on Widespread Use of Antibiotics in Livestock


If you want mental health services to prevent violence, Medicaid expansion is critical (the last paragraph is great)
The tech billionaires are wrong. We are never going to have cities on Mars.
An Indian City Is Getting Inundated by Creeping Toxic Foam
Why you shouldn’t be surprised that prisoners crushed Harvard’s debate team
The Newly Discovered Tablet V of the Epic of Gilgamesh
Why our technological ignorance is hurting Hillary Clinton
Don’t call Donald Trump a “short-fingered vulgarian” or he will send you pictures of his fingers for the next 25 years
The Home Depot shooter must be jailed: The NRA encourages a culture of irresponsible gun ownership (that’s the gun manufacturers’ business model)
We All Get ‘Free Stuff’ From the Government (but white people free stuff doesn’t count)
This video proves China has the most insane traffic jams on Earth (I counted 45 lanes of traffic…)
Rampage Killings Linger in Memory, but Toll of Gun Violence Is Constant
The 27 patterns that make up the world’s cities and suburbs
Is turnover at the police department contributing to DC’s crime wave?
Right-Wing Urban Outfitters Now Asking Employees to Work for Free
Sight Of 400 War Elephants On Horizon…

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