Links 5/17/12

Links for you. Science:

Federal cuts called a ‘disaster’ for Canadian science
Camp Psychopath?
Egypt’s Real Crisis: The Dual Epidemics Quietly Ravaging Public Health
Genome interpretation costs will not spiral out of control
Who Is Writing the ‘Next Generation’ Science Standards?


Don’t Mess with Massachusetts. It may be everyone’s punching bag, but it’s time to face facts: The Bay State is best. (the stats seem good. Unfortunately, there’s no discussion why this might be the case. I don’t think it’s genetics…)
A Bully Never Forgets. Unless That Bully Is Mitt Romney.
The Trouble with Scientism: Why history and the humanities are also a form of knowledge.
Scott Walker Cuts State Health Services, Then Rejects Health Reform’s Public Health Grants
A pro-fossil industrial policy?
Scott Brown sole state legislator to back up Mitt Romney in LGBT youth commission veto
America’s first gay president (Hint: It’s not Obama)
Why Can’t Americans Watch British TV Shows as Soon as They Air?
Accountability for social conservatives
Regression to the Mean, JPMorgan Edition

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