Victory for the Houston Strikers?

Well, things are looking up anyway. By way of Matt Stoller comes this letter from SEIU president Andy Stein:

More than 5,300 Houston janitors have reached a solid tentative agreement with their employers that will put workers and their families on the road to a better future and pave the way for workers throughout the country to unite to improve their lives. Details of the agreement are forthcoming, however the janitors’ contract will lift workers and their families out of deep poverty and ensure access to quality, affordable health care.
The agreement was reached following an intense four-week long strike waged by nearly two thousand janitors that received tremendous local, national, and international support from SEIU janitors, union members across multiple industries and divisions, some of the nation’s top elected and civil rights’ leaders, and faith, labor, and community leaders in Houston and around the country.

I’m glad it worked out this way, but if the Houston police had not been so brutal, the strikers probably wouldn’t have won. Either way, America just became a little less unjust.
Update: Lindsay has the goods.

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