Links 4/5/13

Links for you. Science:

Chasing Cholera in Haiti
Chair of House Spending Panel Says NIH Grants Violate Rules Against Lobbying
Who Owns Your Genome?
The power of single-cell genomics: the mysterious SR1 bacteria have a unique genetic code
Inside North Korea’s Environmental Collapse


I don’t think that quote means what Liz Cheney thinks it means (excellent)
What If Everyone Involved in the Adria Richards Incident Was in a Union?
Uncle Sam, venture capitalist (though I don’t think we have an innovation problem per se as much as an unwillingness by the federal government to help move innovations to market via government contracting–other than the military)
What Is An Infrastructure Bank?
Realistic Expectations for New Teacher Evaluation Systems
Tennessee Advances Legislation That Would Tie Welfare To Children’s Grades (awful, just awful)
America Has Very Few Ineffective Teachers….Maybe
Yet Another Education Reform Scam
The Political Scientist as Blogger
Gary Bauer: ‘Accurate Portrayal’ of GOP Agenda is Slashing Social Programs to Give Tax Cuts to “Billionaires”

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