Links 6/16/24

Links for you. Science:

An epidemic of scientific fakery threatens to overwhelm publishers. More than 10,000 scientific papers were retracted last year as “paper mills” exploit the system.. (gift link)
At least 20 E. coli cases reported after Lake Anna visits, Va. health says
Reading the Pitch
The Mushroom Hunters Can’t Stop Finding Mysterious Fungi
USDA reports more H5N1 detections in mice and cats
In dribs and drabs, USDA reports suggest containing bird flu outbreak in dairy cows will be challenging


Biden’s overlooked campaign to protect Americans from Big Business. Many Americans are focused on inflation, but from Big Tech to junk fees, Biden is advancing a pro-consumer agenda. (but there’s no difference between the two parties something something)
Resilience Part 1 (or a First Look at the 538 Model for 2024)
A Canadian province decriminalized hard drugs. Now it’s reversing course. With an election looming, British Columbia’s New Democratic Party government has cut the controversial experiment short, to the dismay of its supporters.
Clarence Thomas raised him ‘as a son.’ Now he’s facing 25-plus years on weapons and drug charges.
A dispute over direction upsets plans for D.C.’s popular holiday market
Seeing ’em jump
D.C. Council votes on 2025 budget, opening mobile sports betting market
Rudy Giuliani’s mug shot and Steve Bannon’s prison sentence: Why MAGA loves to be seen as villains
In calling out Trump, Harris finds her mission. No one is better equipped to take down felon Donald Trump than the vice president.
Republicans Who Defied Subpoenas Vote To Hold A.G. In Contempt For Defying Subpoena
An account of Jesus as a boy is decoded from an ancient papyrus scrap
“It appears to be a payoff”: Expert says Kushner’s Saudi cash an “egregious” national security worry
Resilience Part 2 (or Thoughts on Sam Alito’s DGAF Justicehood)–gift link
Customers love this Georgetown bagel shop. Some neighbors want it closed.
The Dairy Industry Must Act Faster to Keep H5N1 from Starting a Human Epidemic
Biden never promised a single term—and it would be stupid if he had
Corporate Landlords’ Profits Soar as Tenants Drown in Rent Hikes and Fees
FBI agents say they need more money to stay in the bureau
The Christian right is coming for divorce next. Some conservatives want to make it a lot harder to dissolve a marriage.
We Are Not Safe from Bird Flu Until We Protect Farm Workers
Jeff Bezos once saved the Washington Post. Now he needs to do it again
The Supreme Court’s Abortion Pill Ruling Should Satisfy Nobody
Record share of U.S. voters back abortion rights and will vote on it: Gallup
No Tables for Anyone Under 30 at This St. Louis-Area Restaurant (gift link)
Two Bad Neighbors
This Top Democrat Isn’t Afraid to Call Trump a Felon and a Grifter
Trump or Biden? Historian With Ace Record Calling Elections Delivers His Verdict

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