Links 3/9/19

Links for you. Science:

Epidemiology and Recent Trends in Methicillin-Resistant and in Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infections — United States
Stop Saying ‘Exponential.’ Sincerely, a Math Nerd.
Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli and Antimicrobial Drug Resistance in a Maharashtrian Drinking Water System.
A New Method of DNA Testing Could Solve More Shootings (forensic science that’s actually been scienced!)
Genomic investigation reveals contaminated detergent as the source of an ESBL-producing Klebsiella michiganensis outbreak in a neonatal unit


What Makes Fox News So Dangerous
Bending The Cost Curve
Trump Looks To Nationalize 5G
The Oppression of the Supermajority
MMT: Sense Or Nonsense?
Krugman a Keynesian? No way!
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid English
Winning the White House Won’t Fix Our Democracy
The National Zoo won’t build security checkpoints, but still is adding fences
Adjusting the price of parking based on demand has many benefits, a Chinatown study shows
Jack Evans Faces a Reprimand, But Some Say the Punishment Doesn’t Go Far Enough (so corrupt)
Inequality, tech as religion, billionaire identity politics, and Winners Take All
A Mar-a-Lago dentist scribbled up a new government proposal: Trump forwarded it to the VA
Is a Harvard MBA Bad for You?
The Answers Issue 2019: You asked questions about any aspect of life in D.C. We answered.
What Is Modern Monetary Theory? An MMT Theorist Explains
Open the Jeffrey Epstein files. All of them.
The case against Amazon
Senate Democrats’ Push to Expand Voting Rights (“How do you, then—with that acknowledgment that D.C. statehood blatantly helps the Democrats—how do you sell that?” “If it’s the right thing to do, do it.”)

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