Links 3/28/15

Links for you. Science:

‘Monster salamanders’ found in fossilised mass grave
When Data Sharing Gets Close to 100%: What Human Paleogenetics Can Teach the Open Science Movement
Multivariate and Phylogenetic Analyses Assessing the Response of Bacterial Mat Communities from an Ancient Oligotrophic Aquatic Ecosystem to Different Scenarios of Long-Term Environmental Disturbance
How a bee sting saved my life: poison as medicine
Variation in rural African gut microbiomes is strongly shaped by parasitism and diet


Epic Fail for the Postal Service: The Wrong Model and the Wrong Board
Charles C. W. Cooke, labor activist
Walsh: Comm. Ave. bike lanes part of broader plan to reduce traffic deaths
Methods That Police Use on the Mentally Ill Are Madness. Why do so many American cops believe that shooting a schizophrenic man dead for failing to drop a screwdriver is an acceptable outcome?
House Budget Committee Plan Cuts Pell Grants Deeply, Reducing Access to Higher Education
How Wall Street Used Swaps to Get Rich at the Expense of Cities
Fauntroy Supporters As Confused As Anyone By His Disappearance
As Chief Ike’s Prepares to Close, Owner Al Jirikowic Bemoans the Death of D.C. Funkiness
Army Spends $100M On Piece of Equipment That Doesn’t Do Anything (I fell over laughing)
AP Investigation: Are slaves catching the fish you buy?
Rescue cat saves family’s Solihull home from flood disaster by waking sleeping owner
Ted Cruz says satellite data show the globe isn’t warming. This satellite scientist feels otherwise
The “decline” of marriage isn’t a problem
I don’t think these are “very good points”
Ted Cruz compares climate change activists to ‘flat-Earthers.’ Where to begin?
Matt Taibbi Takes Up SEC’s Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal

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1 Response to Links 3/28/15

  1. albanaeon says:

    It’s sooo sad that the “Army Spends…” article is only just barely a parody.

    The stories I could tell…

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