Links 7/24/13

Links for you. Science:

The Daily (Chum) Bucket: Observations from R’lyeh: An Elasmobranchinomicon (a diary about sharks)
Jonathan Franzen: ‘Egypt is the worst place to be a migratory bird’
The genome sequence of the colonial chordate, Botryllus schlosseri (long-range sequencing and colonial ascidians, what more could you ask for?)
The Detox Delusion
The-Awesomest-7-Year-Postdoc or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tenure-track-faculty-life (excellent)


I Work 70 Hours Per Week (must-read)
Middle Class Muddle (lack of agency is key)
A Shuffle of Aluminum, but to Banks, Pure Gold (but efficient markets, blah, blah, blah…)
Detroit, and the Bankruptcy of America’s Social Contract
In 20 Years, We’re All Going To Realize This Apple Ad Is Nuts
Wild West Broadway: Busing, the Bulger Brothers, Kevin White, and the Boston Globe
There’s Nothing About Abortion in the Bible — So How Do Right-Wing Christians Justify Their Crusade Against Women?
Are Millennials Killing Off the Religious Right? (attrition has always been a problem)
Boston’s neighborhoods: the consensus map. Are you in Roxbury or the South End? It’s a matter of opinion.
Massacre Effect: Chainsaw Warrior
If we bailed out the banks, why not Detroit? (#OWS)
The Malcolm Gladwell Book Generator
Why Won’t Obama Pay His Interns? A former marriage equality advocate turns his attention to what he calls the Obama administration’s greatest hypocrisy: pushing for a higher minimum wage while relying on unpaid interns. And he’s got help from some powerful White House allies.
You Won’t Believe What the Government Spends on Confederate Graves: Taxpayers now pay more to maintain rebel graves and monuments than those honoring Union soldiers.

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1 Response to Links 7/24/13

  1. Lindsay says:

    In 20 Years, We’re All Going to Realize This Apple Ad Is Nuts

    I think I’ve seen that ad! Freaked me out, too.

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