What Does Henneberger Want?

Scott LeMieux exposes the illogic of Melinda Henneberger‘s NY Times op-ed about abortion and Democrats. What I can’t figure out is what does Henneberger want?

Once again, we have a Democratic concern troll who fails to see even the basic contours of the landscape:

Do you want abortion to be legal and safe, or illegal and unsafe?

That is the issue. Unfortunately, there is no real compromise to be had*, and even if there were, it wouldn’t matter to these ‘moderate’ [*cough*bullshit*cough*] voters. Sympathetic noises or compromises will not satisfy those voters Henneberger describes as viewing abortion “a human rights issue comparable to slavery. Anyone who is that ‘coat hanger first’ will not move to the Democrats unless the Democrats completely abandon the legal and safe position–one held by the moral majority of Americans.
That’s not only bad politics, it’s immoral. Yet, Henneberger, like so many suffering from Compulsive Centrist Disorder, continues to seek out some mythical center. Even if that means 2 + 2 equals five.
*Granted, one could revisit the particulars of Roe v. Wade or argue about federal funding for abortions, but that’s not what is being discussed by Henneberger.

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2 Responses to What Does Henneberger Want?

  1. Rob Jase says:

    Ah, but you forget that for the rich and powerful abortion was legal and safe before Roe v. Wade because they could travel to outside the US to have it done.
    Only the poor and working class folks, who don’t count in the US oligarchy, have to worry about the legality of abortion.

  2. Ah, but you forget that for the rich and powerful abortion was legal and safe before Roe v. Wade because they could travel to outside the US to have it done.

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