Links 3/20/15

Links for you. Science:

The last mammoths died out just 3600 years ago…but they should have survived
STEM Gender Gaps and Draft Dodging
Jane Goodall condemns GM food, says its proponents are “anti-science”
Pine Beetle Epidemic
The Extent and Consequences of P-Hacking in Science
German city uses hydrophobic paint to splash public urinators with pee: You piss on the wall, and it pisses on you right back.


Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe? (good, but regarding the title, why is it always the Jews? What about just ‘Jews’? So asks this Jew)
Poor Stories from Brooks and Douthat
D.C. Charter School Graduation Rates Dip To 69 Percent
Many Conservatives are Blowing it on the Ferguson DOJ Report: Their reaction is neither fair, accurate, nor good for America. (just when you think progress is being made, read the comments. That is the Republican base…)
For Hardee’s workers, it’s not a parable, it’s a job
The illusion of how to play baseball: MLB’s official historian discusses how the sport’s rules have changed, why we should have stuck with the ‘Massachusetts’ version
Municipal courts are well-oiled money machine
A Christian Nation? Since When?
Fear and Forgetting: The War Nerd in East Timor, Part One
The incredibly stupid way that America wastes 1 trillion gallons of water each year (maybe make people pay more for water?)
Why You’re Free to BYOB in Philly, But in Boston It’s Complicated
Obama finally understands political polarization. Does Hillary?
Streetcar Revival Is Wavering in Some Cities
‘Is It Compromised?’ Is the Wrong Question about US Government Funding of Tor
Failed by Law and Courts, Troops Come Home to Repossessions

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5 Responses to Links 3/20/15

  1. Mike Lumish says:

    Even the radical lefties at the Democratic Underground understand that Jane Goodall is a senile old bitch:

  2. Min says:

    I think that it is time for fascists to leave Europe. But where to? Antarctica, I suppose.

  3. Gingerbaker says:

    Is it time for the Palestimians to leave Israel?

  4. Gingerbaker says:

    A “bitch”?? Why would you use such a word? There is absolutely nothing in your link which suggests Goodall is either nasty or a dog.

    And I wouldn’t be so quick to denigrate every critic of GM food safety. A lot of the possible biological effects of these preparations have not even been looked into, because this is food, not a drug.

  5. P. Dantic says:

    It’s “the Jews” the same way it would be “the Catholics” or “the Protestants” or “the Pastafarians”. It’s a common reference to a group of individuals with a similar interest, I don’t see why it’s such a problem for you. It’s not like it was used derisively that I can tell….

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