Links 1/8/15

Links for you. Science:

Ebola lapses show lab safety protocols should factor in human error
Caffeine improves reaction time, vigilance and logical reasoning during extended periods with restricted opportunities for sleep. (though n = 23 atypical people)
By ‘Editing’ Plant Genes, Companies Avoid Regulation
Don’t be a dummy: New Year’s ‘detoxes’ are a waste of time
12 guidelines for surviving science…


Battle of the billionaires: Why liberals shouldn’t count on their rich patrons to win. The way liberal and conservative billionaires use their money for political change is different. Here’s who wins (excellent)
FDA: Protecting blood supply from AIDS might “offend” straight people
This is one ark with some huge entitlement issues
Apple faces lawsuit over storage space on iPhones and iPads
Digital threats are finally being taken seriously — as long as they’re against police
SAT cheating in Asia: More scores are withheld, but College Board won’t say how many
What progressives don’t want to talk about in the Rolling Stone scandal: A presumption of truth in every rape accusation is an impossible standard. And it’s doing real damage to the cause of fighting sexual assaults.
Brazen Attempts by Hotels to Block Wi-Fi (someone on the NYT editorial staff got annoyed….)
Inside a Chinese Test-Prep Factory
Same Old, Same Old
A Reality of Their Own: Jameis Winston, Rape and Seminole Fandom at Florida State
The Abortion Stereotype
The economics of stuff
Boston schools brace for more cuts: Revenue shrinks amid plans for new initiatives (watching the slow-motion destruction of one of the best education systems in the world is heartbreaking)
Lovecraftian School Board Member Wants Madness Added To Curriculum

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