Links 12/5/14

Links for you. Science:

New paper: bacterial phylogenetic inference is robust to recombination but demographic inference is not
Giraffes may be headed for extinction: Elephants aren’t the only African animals in grave danger. Giraffe populations are down 40 percent over 15 years
What Schizophrenia Can Teach Us About Ourselves
CDC: Vast majority of HIV-positive people lacking treatment
The truth about sharks: Far from being ‘killing machines’, they have personalities, best friends and an exceptional capacity for learning


Documents show how eBay’s Meg Whitman and Pierre Omidyar conspired to steal Craigslist’s secrets
What the Media Gets Wrong About Israel: The news tells us less about Israel than about the people writing the news, a former AP reporter says.
For Accomplished Students, Reaching a Good College Isn’t as Hard as It Seems
Friday lay day – real resources are available but not used, why?
Honest Mom, I only bought the new Playboy to read the article on UMKC Economics
The Boy from Jurassic Park’s College Application Essay.
New York City lowered its speed limit to 25. Other cities should do it too.
Police: Austin shooter was a ‘homegrown American extremist’ (that is, terrorist)
Boston’s water: public or private? In the 19th century, the city fought over who should own our infrastructure—and made a choice that spoke volumes.
Legal Pot In The U.S. May Be Undercutting Mexican Marijuana
How Loretta Lynch could save the country, the Obama administration, and the Democratic Party
AP Exclusive: Bennett Probe Called for Prosecution
Holyoke teacher Gus Morales allowed to return to work: All legal claims now resolved following months-long controversy
Principal rep: ‘Terrified’ about schools’ snow-removal plan
Oh look

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