Links 4/5/14

Links for you. Science:

Archaeageddon: how gas-belching microbes could have caused mass extinction
Two Republican creationists block South Carolina’s adoption of the Wooly Mammoth as the state fossil
Biologists: this is why bioinformaticians hate you…
Subnivean Tadpole Migration
After more than a century, a jewel of ocean research targeted for closure
Threatened pandemics and laboratory escapes: Self-fulfilling prophecies


Same As He Ever Was (must-read, short)
Forget Bitcoin, African E-Money Is the Currency-Killer
The Damning New Torture Report Shows The CIA Doing What It’s Always Done
What Was There before the Prudential Center and Its Tunnel?
Visionaries of the tech world who foresaw Apple’s future (having held Apple stock for nearly three decades, I’ve experienced this…)
The super-rich bad seeds are delicate too
The Curse of “Asshole Ra”
Why Garamond Won’t Save The Government $467 Million A Year
Stardom Doesn’t Change Where You’re From
The Infinite Variety of Wrong Answers
Now valued at $10bn, Airbnb decides it no longer has to disrupt hotel taxes
Utah: Land of Equality of Austerity
The Emotional Life of Children: Reflections Of A New York City Educator
Colonizing the Black Natives: Reflections from a former NOLA Charter School Dean of Students (rhetoric aside, no upper-middle class family would tolerate this kind of ‘education’)
The United States of Bros: A Map and Field Guide (don’t think it gets MA right though)

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