Links 10/25/13

Links for you. Science:

Poachers kill 300 Zimbabwe elephants with cyanide
Air Pollution Definitively Linked To Cancer
“It’s not only peer-reviewed, it’s reproducible!”
The ocean is broken
Despite End of U.S. Shutdown, Antarctic Research Projects Still Getting Cancelled


A psychological history of the NSA
Everybody Knows You’re a Dog: Cartoonist Peter Steiner created The New Yorker’s most popular gag panel. What happened after that?
Political Science and the Syrian Civil War
What I Learned About Humanity From Living on the Streets: Many people assume that the homeless are all drug addicts, criminals or prostitutes. I am none of these things, yet I have seen the stereotypes first-hand.
Why Spinoza Was Excommunicated
How to Talk About Debt and Deficits: Don’t Think of an Elephant
Walsh vows commitment to arts
Walsh unveils plan to boost ‘green’ jobs, mitigate climate change
Businesses can — and will — pay more for T projects
Demystifying the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Boys – Our Forgotten Victims. Boys make up 50% of children trading sex for money in the U.S, so why is nobody talking about them?
Stay Put, Young Man: Americans used to be exceptional for how often they moved. But that once-powerful source of both efficiency and upward mobility is now in steep decline.
Thanks Dick (that graphic might look familiar)
How I Met Your Mother, or, When Unions Disrupt the Disruptors

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