Links 10/22/18

Links for you. Science:

The most important science policy issue in every state
Saving the horseshoe crab: A synthetic alternative to horseshoe crab blood for endotoxin detection
Why Southeast Asia and Australia’s Coral Reefs Became So Rich in Species
A New Culprit Is Identified in China’s Choking Smog
One of the world’s largest organisms is shrinking


The October surprise is that Republicans are going full bats#it racist anti-Semitic crazy train
Women in the U.S. Can Now Get Safe Abortions by Mail
Why Did the Legion Surpass the Phalanx as the Strongest Formation in Ancient Warfare?
Trump team makes controversial change to allow chicken plants to operate at faster speeds
Trump pulls US out of UN postal scheme on China price concerns
WMATA Officials: Improving Service is Too Expensive, But We Should Have Farmers Markets
How the Smithsonian Is Reuniting Thousands of Human Remains with Indigenous Communities
How Your Robotically Party-Line Republican Judicial Sausage Gets Made
‘Today’ Show Falls Into Classic White-Nationalist Trap, Gives Platform to Identity Evropa Leader Patrick Casey
The Trump Tax Scam, Phase II
Charlie Baker Is Voting For Geoff Diehl. It’s His Latest Bow To The Party Of Trump
I Didn’t Hate the English — Until Now
Regional leaders approve a vision for D.C.-area commuters in 2045
Why Catastrophic Climate Change is Probably Inevitable Now: How Capitalism Torched the Planet by Imploding Into Fascism
You Think The GOP Is Extreme Now? It’ll Be Worse If They Win In November.
What Data On The Racial Divide In Schools Says About The Washington Region
Evidence Piles Up That The President Was Involved In Keeping FBI Building Across From Trump Hotel
A Defector From Conservatism With a Clear Vision of Trump’s Rise
Should we break up the tech giants? Not if you ask the economists who take money from them

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