Links 8/22/18

Links for you. Science:

Watch Corals Form a ‘Wall of Mouths’ to Catch and Eat Jellyfish
What Happens to Your Resident Gut E. coli when Disease-Causing E. coli Move In?
The poop of 100K cows may be to blame for that deadly romaine E. coli outbreak
‘Drunk And Irritable’ Wasps Are Rampaging Through Britain, Experts Say
Jeremy Freese was ahead of the curve


Socialism and the Liberal Imagination: How do socialist demands become liberal common sense? The history of the New Deal offers a useful lesson.
Bernie Sanders Takes on Unjust Cash Bail System, but Still Doesn’t Make Direct Connection to Institutional Racism (make sure you read the first comment too)
Signs of a wave: Democrat in MI-01 primary gets 30,000 write in votes
Every Five Minutes
The Problem Isn’t Alex Jones’ Free Speech, It’s Digital Platform Monopolies (well, Jones’ speech is a problem too, but the point about monopolies is good)
Great Synagogue of Vilna, destroyed by Nazis, is uncovered by archaeologists
What If Banks Were Publicly Owned? In LA, This May Soon Be A Reality.
Report warns Trump’s wall could cost more, take longer and underperform
Charlottesville Anniversary: White Supremacy Didn’t Invade. It Was Always Here.
In U.S., wage growth is being wiped out entirely by inflation (housing and fuel inflation, as discussed here)
How Activists Ousted St. Louis County’s Notorious Top Prosecutor Bob McCulloch
The Trump White House’s new hush-money problem
NFL players know why they protest, and Trump does, too
Can Alessandra Biaggi and Julia Salazar Unseat the GOP in Albany?
House Democrats Launch a Challenge to Big Pharma
Why Media Pundits Are Wrong To Suggest Voters Rejected Socialism In Recent Primaries
There’s Blood on the Streets of Mr. Jefferson’s Town

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