Links 7/27/18

Links for you. Science:

Dutch publishing giant cuts off researchers in Germany and Sweden
There Is No Escape for Corals
Beatrice Tinsley, Astronomer Who Saw the Course of the Universe
Do Brown Recluse Spider Bites Really Lead to Amputations?
How disgraced anti-vaxxer Andrew Wakefield was embraced by Trump’s America


Ocasio-Cortez’s Blueprint for a New Politics
Republicans will keep covering for Trump’s outrages. Why? For the judges
The Real Link Between the White House and the Kremlin
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents
Guns, God, And Trump: How An Accused Russian Agent Wooed US Conservatives
The Abandoned City Hall Subway Station, New York
Why Mariia Butina wasn’t the only Russian attending the National Prayer Breakfast
Social Security recipients could be collateral damage of Trump’s workforce orders
Here’s Why More People Are Displaying Confederate License Plates
Gov. Scott Walker Political Operation Snagged $250,000 Check Mere Days After Meeting With Accused Russian Spy
Professors Are Often Asked ‘What Do You Teach?’ But They Do Far More
How the Midterm Elections May Be Compromised
Why won’t Republicans finally demand Trump release his tax returns?
Government Healthcare Is Saving My Mum’s Life
Are Republicans Covering for Trump, or for Themselves?
Steve King Is A White Supremacist, And The GOP Doesn’t Care

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