Links 6/30/18

Links for you. Science:

Flamingo missing since 2005 spotted in Texas
The cost of a career
UCI proposes new name for School of Biological Sciences, science library after internal investigation substantiates sexual harassment claims against signature donor
BCG vaccine can reverse Type 1 diabetes to almost undetectable levels, eight-year study shows
ClermonTyping: an easy-to-use and accurate in silico method for Escherichia genus strain phylotyping


This Is Just the Beginning
Against Civility: You can’t fight injustice with decorum
America’s Immigration Crisis Has Real Culprits — And They Aren’t Immigrants (I’m not sure I agree, but this, not the white nationalist/Trumpist, is the argument for restricting immigration)
Call Stephen Miller a White Nationalist
Here’s a Tiny Little Case Study of Political Misinformation
Some thoughts from a white South African, directed at friends in the USA.
My Pet Peeves (Which Are Very Boring I Know)
It Matters
Maybe Democrats should stop being afraid of the left
Accused Mosque Bombers Sold Bogus ‘Patriot’ Cash
Republicans withdraws support for candidate who said ‘God is racist white supremacist’ and jewish people are ‘satanic’
Democrats adopt unified ‘marketplace’ for volunteers
Chasing White House officials out of restaurants is the right thing to do
Purity Politics
Is NYC KIPP’s Graduation Rate 96% or 56%?
You Gotta Call a Lie a Lie
Oops! Republicans are now taxing churches with their new law and the churches are not happy
This Performance Is a Uniquely American Brand of Authoritarianism
Speaking as someone born in the last years of a dictatorship, you Americans are already several steps in one.

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1 Response to Links 6/30/18

  1. someone says:

    I’m really happy you call the Jewish kippah wearing Stephen Miller white.
    Therefore violence done against Jews is not antisemitism, but occidentophobia.

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