If The Right Didn’t Have Violent Anti-Fascists, They Would Invent Them

While I’ve argued that a successful anti-fascist campaign suggests that physical violence (not self-defense however) against Nazis and fascists isn’t needed (at this time anyway), let’s not forget that the right will always invent boogeymen, even if they don’t exist. It doesn’t matter what the left does, the conservative media, at every level of the media ecosystem, will find someone somewhere who can be tangentially linked to whatever the left (broadly construed) is doing in order to tar them with violence (and hating America).

They will also engage in whataboutism and use false equivalency to obscure the awful shit they are tacitly supporting.

Don’t let them hide the fact that the Republican president of the United States equated those who oppose Nazis with those, include peaceful clergy, with actual Nazis.

Don’t forget these tricks

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1 Response to If The Right Didn’t Have Violent Anti-Fascists, They Would Invent Them

  1. you are right. but your own side are not clear-eyed positivists either. the key is to keep nuts on either side in check. though my own assessment is that that battle is lost now. onto the next war….

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