Links 11/6/16

Links for you. Science:

Europe’s Mosquito-Free Island Paradise: Iceland
How Ebola Adapted to Us
Antibiotics Are Hard, Continued
A Desert Lizard That Drinks From Sand
Uncovered: the mysterious killer triffids that dominate life in our oceans (dumb title, very interesting ecology)


The real Clinton email scandal is that a bullshit story has dominated the campaign
The Trump Apocalypse Might Not Come, But the Republican One Will
Philly Transit Strike and the Election
Never Trump? Forget it — prominent Republicans come crawling back defeated
Netanyahu Criticizes American Jewish Leaders Over Western Wall Protest
The FBI Is Self-Destructing at the Worst Possible Moment
Not Your District PAC Targets Florida Rep With First Ad Buy
Numb to Second-Class Citizenship, D.C. Tries to Awaken a Statehood Movement
Trump Is an Existential Threat
What I learned after 100,000 miles on the road talking to Trump supporters
How the Workplace Scheduling Bill Was ‘Twisted, Perverted, and Mischaracterized’
Message from the Gilt Market: U.K. Can Never Run Out of Pounds
Pain, anger and fear: US voters deprived of a serious presidential election
Memo to the Next President: Avoid the ‘Vision Thing’ in the Mideast
Bernie Sanders calls for federal investigation of insulin makers for price collusion
How the Anti-choice Movement Paved the Way for Trump
Dear Bernie Supporters: Don’t Lose Your Seat At The Table. Let’s stave off the existential threat Donald Trump presents to our republic
Andy Kindler knew Donald Trump was the Root of All Evil before it was cool.

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2 Responses to Links 11/6/16

  1. jrkrideau says:

    Clearly you do not remember 1960’s science fiction.

  2. jrkrideau says:

    / Avoid the ‘Vision Thing’ in the Mideast
    Well given how well the vision thing has worked since Vietnam, I’d say forget it totally. Total blindness is not a good basis for government policy.

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