About Electability

MoveOn.org recently endorsed Bernie Sanders, and one of the top five reasons was the belief that Sanders is ‘electable.’ But Clinton also has a major weakness on this front: from 2014 to mid-2015, Clinton collected over $11 million in speaking fees, much of it from Wall Street and Big Pharma. Don’t think for a moment Republicans won’t pound her on this. Remember, they successfully went after Democrats for cutting Social Security benefits. They will do this, even if Sanders won’t.

Everyone is talking about how Sanders has been tough on Clinton. Centrist Democrat, please. He has attacked her policies, but, to his personal credit if not his political skills, he has refrained from assailing her character. That is what Republicans do in elections. And ask yourself: will the press corps give Clinton the benefit of the doubt on this?

Yep. Electable.

(not much has changed since 2007 either).

Related point #1: ‘Yves Smith’:

…this [the MoveOn endorsement] has to drive the Clintonistas nuts. It exposes the lack of support among voters she thinks she owns: left leaning but not aggressively so middle to upper middle income voters. And notice point 2 on this missive: Sanders also seems to be turning around the perception that Clinton is the natural candidate for blacks and women. As the first woman partner in uber-macho M&A [Yves Smith] said to a horrified group of Radcliffe alumnae many years ago on the subject of work-life balance: “Nothing is going to change until women own the means of production.” Economic justice is the fastest path to social justice. More people are starting to understand that.

Related point #2: USA Today discusses polling data (boldface mine):

There is a gender gap as well — and not the one that favors Clinton among baby boomer women. Men under 35 support Sanders by 4 percentage points. Women back him by almost 20 points. The possibility of breaking new ground by electing the first female president apparently carries less persuasive power among younger women than their mothers’ generation.

Stone is ready to support Clinton, though she prefers Sanders. “He’s actually talking about breaking up the big banks and helping income inequality,” she says, “and given that I’m currently unemployed, income inequality is pretty important.”

I would posit demeaning them as ‘BernieBabes’ probably isn’t a good idea…

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1 Response to About Electability

  1. Tim Howe says:

    Your enthusiasm for Bernie appears to have melted your brain, Mike. Clinton is not in any danger from anything Sanders is doing or might do, and in fact is treating the man rather gently as she needs to pull the coalition together after the primary so as to beat our mutual enemy. As to being afraid of the Republicans, piffle. They have been hurling shit at her for three full decades and she is the world expert in swatting those flies away.

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